The temperature was 16C - 17C, sunny with maybe 15 knots of wind - really a perfect sailing day.
It was about 2:00PM in the afternoon when we got down to the yacht club. Admittedly, Randy's sail boat was the only one still in the water, but out we went.
It was truly a beautiful day. We sailed for a couple of hours down to 3 sister Islands, over to the American side and part way down to our friends Dean and Bonnie's house.
I am going to attach a video that describes the adventure best.
Jacquie and I had a great time. Thanks Randy for taking us out. As a side note, I'm writing this blog on November 13th - we are back in Iqaluit and it's -8C and there's a blizzard happening outside. Wow, its amazing how a 3 hours plane ride can change things. :-)
Until we can get south to upload, watch our video at:
Until we can get south to upload, watch our video at: