Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Pebble Beach Golf Course

One of the other stops we made while visiting Aunt Mandi and Uncle Ewan was the Pebble Beach Golf Course.  We decided not to actually play golf as the rounds were $495 per person - at least that included a cart. :-) 

The Club house was opulent with a wonderful restaurant and bar.  Even the washrooms were awesome, with marble floors and counter tops. 

We did venture out onto the course to have a look around.  It is a beautiful course.  We were able to take a few pictures near the 18th green.  It was a spectacular view and having the opportunity to wander onto a course where golf's very best players have been was an enlightening experience. 

Jacquie and I enjoyed visiting the Pebble Beach Golf Course.  Who knows once the 649 comes through for us, we may even play there! 

Monterey Bay Aquarium

In October, Jacquie and I had the awesome opportunity to visit Uncle Ewan and Aunt Mandi at their home near San Francisco. One of the adventures we had the pleasure of experiencing was the Monterey Bay Aquarium. It is situated on the Pacific Ocean in Monterey California.

There are many amazing exhibits like the sea otters, octopus, jelly fish, and many other wonderful exhibits. We spent 3 hours or so at the aquarium and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. The pictures of our adventure are as follows:

Thanks Aunt Mandi and Uncle Ewan