Saturday, 17 December 2011

Rotary Christmas Hampers

Jacquie and I had an awesome opportunity today to participate in the packing and distributing of 125-150 Rotary Christmas Hampers. As well, there were 35 turkeys distributed seperately as there were some late additions and the organizers wanted all families to receive something.

We all met at the Cadet Hall at 9:00 AM this morning (Saturday December 17th) and there were skids full or food. Each box received 14 items like peanut butter, flour, potatoes, coffee, carrots, baking powder, fruit cake and the like.
We were surprised at the number of people that showed up to help. There were probably 30-40 Rotarians and their family members there packing the boxes.
All the boxes were packed in 1 and 1/2 hours. One of the Rotary members had the distribution process down to a tee. He had a number of maps with 7 or 8 locations identifed on each map. Jacquie and I ended up with two maps and 16 hampers to distribute. Being newer to town, we had some difficulty finding all of the places, however after a little trial and error, we found all the residences.
The recipients were very appreciative with one older gentleman shaking hands with us and talking to us in one of the inuit languages for some length of time. Almost all of the famlies that we went to also had small children that were very exited to see us.
It really gives you a good feeling to be able to do something nice at Christmas time and Jacquie and I were so very happy to be able to help. Also, for me it reinforced my understanding of just how blessed Jacquie and I are. Merry Christmas to all!!

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