Saturday, 24 March 2012

Building an Igloo

I had the opportunity and privilege to travel to Cape Dorset for work from March 19th - 22nd. While I was there there was a winter festival going on for the school children. One of the learning stations was the building of an igloo.
Two local elders made the igloo, which apparently is authentic igloo contruction if one gets stuck out on the land during inclement weather. These igloos are much smaller than the traditional "family" igloos and their purpose is to keep a hunter or traveller warm should they run into a blizzard or poor weather when out on the land.
They can be contructed in about 1/2 hour. The radius is about 6 feet and the height about 4 feet. A small entrance whole is cut on the down wind side and the cutout is kept as the door.
I wanted to thank the school children, teachers and elders who let me ask a number of questions and participate in the igloo making.

1 comment:

  1. Cool, great having the sun back eh?
    Any cuba pics Lare?
